Many of
LDF's customers love to travel to the northern Rockies. One of the ways I keep up with goings on in that part of the world is to read the local papers. If you're planning to travel to any of the states listed below, check out the newpaper sites we have listed. These papers have outdoor columns that can be real time and money savers. In addition to the newspaper links, we also have listed each state's fish and game website. These are very helpful for licenses and regulations.
We need some links for the Northeastern states. New York and Maine--we need some help! Southern Appalachians--we need some help there, too! Please contact us if you find any links that don't work or if you have some that might be helpful.
Click here if you're interested in latest drought/water conditions in Montana.
Check this one out!Total Flyfishing A nice set of informative and colorful pages on many aspects of fly fishing and fly fishing travel.